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+Renticy Protect.
You're Covered

Step-by-Step Damage Claim guide. 

Damaged goods Claim process
+Renticy Protect

+Renticy Protect has you Covered

+Renticy Protect was designed to make renting risk free. That means if you have an item returned to you damaged, we have you covered.

To make a claim there is a clear step-by-step process to follow, with important terms and conditions all clearly highlighted.


Under the terms of +Renticy Protect, you need to submit a damage claim within 48 hours of the Rental end date. To do this you can follow this link to the Damaged Claim form

Why 48 hours? After 48 hours the system automatically refunds the customer their deposit in full. We do this so that customers receive their money as quickly as possible and get the best experience. The deposit is used in the event that there is damage, so its really important that you make your claim as soon as possible.

Damage Claim Process

Step 1: Update the Rental Status on the order to “Dispute” and click “Update Status”. This tells the system that a Claim is being made and updates the stock management.

Step 2: Click the following link and complete the Damage Claim form, click submit. To speed up the process up, please provide us with as much information as possible, include images and a clear description of the damage.

Step 3: a member of the +Renticy Protect team will review your claim and get in contact with you, due to the nature of Rental, we cannot process a claim until all of the required information is provided. If the claim requires additional information a member of the team will be in contact to ask for the required information.

Step 4: Once fully submitted your claim will be reviewed and we aim to pay any monies owed within 5 – 7 working days. You will be notified of a payment via email and this will be paid automatically into your registered Bank Account.

Key Terms and Conditions

  1. A Renticy Protect claim can be made by a Retailer during typical working hours. Any claims made outside of these hours will be received the next working day.
  2. Upon receipt of returned goods the Retailer will have 48 hours from the Rental End date to inspect items for damage and raise a Damaged Goods Renticy Protect claim. To make a claim the Rental status of this order must have been set to “Dispute” within 48hour of the Rental end date.
    1. To submit a Damaged Goods Renticy Protect claim, a fully completed Damage Goods claim form will be required. This form can be found at along with submission instructions. Once successfully submitted a claim will be reviewed and any additional information required to process the claim will be requested. Renticy aim to process a claim within 5 – 7 working days.
    2. Once a claim has been processed any payment due will be made to the retailers registered bank account the next working day.
  • Fair wear and tear is not covered by Renticy Protect.

Successful Damage Goods claims will be paid at a fair market time and material price to restore the goods to a re-rentable condition. This can be up to the fair market trade value of the goods minus any monies already remitted to the retailer in connections with the Rental Agreement, including any rental payments.

  1. Fair market trade value (FMTV) is calculated at the lower of the original trade purchase price or 70% of the advertised retail price. The grade of the item will determine the % of the FMTV that is claimable.
    1. Goods classed as A grade are brand new and have not been sold or rented before. These goods must have been purchased by the Retailer less then 12 months prior to claim. 100% of the FMTV is claimable.
    2. Goods classed as B grade have been previously sold and returned, and, or, rented no more than four times, or were purchased by the Retailer 12 to 24 months prior to claim. 70% of the FMTV is claimable.
    3. Goods classed as C grade have been previously sold and returned and, or rented 5 or more times, and, or have cosmetic damage, or were purchased by the retailer more the 24 months prior to claim. 55% of the FMTV is claimable.
  2. If the deposit value is set to less than 20% of the retail value, the Renticy Protect cover will only include cover for transactions that have been made fraudulently, or non-return and damage cover up to the total value of the deposit amount.

Last updated August 2024